Our Faculty

Gender implications of crisis response with Professor Dyan Mazurana

Fletcher students know Professor Dyan Mazurana well. She co-advises the Gender and Intersectional Analysis Field of Study (one of the only areas of concentration of its kind among APSIA schools), and I can tell readers from personal experience that her course Gender, Culture and Conflict in Complex Humanitarian Emergencies is not to be missed. We’ve also been fortunate to have Prof. Mazurana work with us on several Admissions Committees over the years.

I urge readers interested in Gender Analysis and related subjects to check out this recent interview with Prof. Mazurana in Tufts Now. I remember her class being one that taught me to read the news with a different lens, and her discussion here of the gender dimensions of a variety of current international crises – the current and past pandemics and climate change among them – will give readers some of the same effect.



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