General Admissions News

January enrollment application deadline – October 10

October 10Let’s get serious, readers. While blog topics in the summer months tend toward a pu pu platter of assorted Fletcher-related goings-on, now that we’re approaching fall it’s all business here in Admissions. The first application deadline of the year – October 10, for January 2022 enrollment – is not so far off. If you’re aiming for a January start, it’s not panic time if you haven’t yet made much headway in the application process, but it is get-crackin’-on-that-application time.

At a minimum you should be in touch with recommenders to give them as much time as possible to write their reference letters for you. It’s also a good idea to start working on getting your hands on original transcripts from all prior university degrees you’ve earned. The other stuff – your resume, essays, and the application itself – you can peck away at over the next several weeks. It’s ideal to have everything ready a few days before the deadline to give yourself the opportunity for some final proofreading, i-dotting, t-crossing, tilde-adding, etc.

More on the Januarian experience in a future post. For now, why not head over to the application portal and start yours today?

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