General Admissions News

What are you waiting for?

This week is slipping past me and I haven’t been able to make time to write.  Plus, I’m short of inspiration, but my creativity block provides a good opening for a simple update.  Readers at different phases of their application process may be waiting for us to provide information of some sort.  Please find, below, a list (in no particular order) of things for which you may be waiting, along with a prediction of when your wait will be over.

If you’re waiting for news on the waitlist:  I’m afraid I don’t have anything new to report, except that we’re going to contact everyone on the list to see who’s truly waiting.  (Some people said in April that they’d wait, but they have made alternate arrangements by now.)  We’ll be sending out an email within the next week.

If you’re waiting for our new application:  It’s in the works and should be in place in August.  If you’re planning to apply for January or September 2011 enrollment, please don’t start an application using the 2010 form.  Wondering if we’ll be changing the essay topics?  We’ve decided to keep the essays the same for master’s program applicants, but we have added an additional question for PhD applicants.

If you’re waiting for us to respond to your request for feedback:  Please know that we’re working our way through the requests.

If you’re waiting for us to post our fall travel schedule:  We should have a fairly complete version this summer, probably by the beginning of August.

If you’re waiting for this year’s reading lists on the admissions blog:  While I pull this year’s list together, you can check out previous years’ recommendations within the Our Faculty page of the blog.  (Scroll down and you’ll find lists for 2007, 2008, and 2009.)   Professors have recently made some interesting suggestions, which I’ll post soon.

If you’re one of the continuing Fletcher students who still reads the blog (I know there are a few of you out there), and if you’re waiting for information on your scholarship for 2010-2011:  We hope to notify students in the next two weeks.  (Your award letter will be sent by email.)

Waiting for something not in the list?  Let me know and I’ll try to get you the information you need.