
January 10 application deadline

January 10Happy new year, readers! Here’s hoping all of you enjoyed some rest, relaxation, and time with family over the past week or so. Balanced with that, here’s also hoping that those of you planning on submitting applications used a bit of that time to peck away at the task, as there is now ONE WEEK left until the January 10 application deadline.

I tend to think of this deadline as “the big one.” Not because it’s the last possible time to submit an application – there are later deadlines in February and April, still – but because January 10 is the “scholarship priority” deadline. Candidates who wish to be considered for scholarship aid (which is the large majority) should plan on having their materials in by this time. The scholarship awarding process is long and complex, and it’s important for our Scholarships Committee to have received all its applications to be able to begin its work.

We’re aware that not everything is within your control, and if you’re still waiting on a recommender or a transcript, I encourage you to submit your application by the deadline and continue to work on securing any outstanding materials. If everything is received within a few weeks of the deadline we can usually avoid delays in processing your application.

So finish up those last drafts, get to proofreading, and hit that “submit” button! Though a bit of a holiday break is nice, we’re happy to be back and looking forward to starting our reading season in earnest with all your applications.

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