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You hit “submit” and then…

Roxana is our systems guru.  The information she provides below tells you just what happens after you submit your application (whether or not you have waited until today’s deadline).  Refer back to this information when you’re feeling nervous next week!

For those unfamiliar with the behind-the-scenes work of an Admissions Office, you may be surprised at how time consuming it can be to process over 1600 applications. Though the on-line system is a huge time-saver, we also devote countless hours to opening mail, answering phone and email inquiries, as well as updating applications in our system.

Here is a run-down of what happens once you hit the “submit” button on your application. Be aware that most things happen simultaneously:

•You hit the submit button online.  Your application will be “stamped” with the date/time that you hit submit.

•The application waits within the Embark system for your registered on-line recommenders to submit their letters, which are then attached to your application.

•Once letters from registered recommenders are attached, the application is uploaded by an Admissions representative (aka Roxana).

•As applications (with attached recommendations) are uploaded in our internal admissions program, you receive an automatic email stating that we have received your application (hooray!), and that you should wait 10 business days before contacting the Admissions Office about missing materials. This email also provides you with a username and password to access the Tufts Graduate Application Management System (GAMS).  GAMS is the best way to find out the status of your application throughout the whole process.  Decision letters are also posted to your GAMS account.  Hang on to your username and password!

•Uploaded applications are printed and placed in files.

•Meanwhile, the Admissions Office is bombarded with bags and bags of mail which include test scores, transcripts, letters of recommendation from recommenders who weren’t registered on-line, writing samples, etc.  Our staff sorts and files the mail.  If the application has not yet been uploaded, the paper materials will “wait” for it to emerge from the system.

•Once we have your application in a file, we dig out the mail that has already been received for you, and include it with your application.  Then we update your record in the admissions system to show what materials have been come in by mail.  You should track your application through GAMS, but we’ll also email you if there is a document missing.

•Though nearly all applications arrive via the on-line system, there are a few each year that arrive in hardcopy form.  In that case, we enter all the details manually.  VERY time-consuming.

•Your completed application is then given to Committee members to review.

•You receive your admission decision in late March.

The process requires multiple steps, and much patience and organization.  I am grateful to have the help of our student workers to update files, answer phones and emails.  If I didn’t have their help, we’d never complete the process on time!

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