General Admissions News

Back-to-back deadlines

A little extra frenzy around the Admissions Office this week.  First, we’ve had some coming and going among staff members, with several of us taking a few days away from work for post-decision family visits.  Then, Monday was a public holiday and the office was closed, which increased the phone calls/emails/foot traffic from Tuesday onwards.

Continuing through the week, yesterday was the deadline for most admitted students to make their enrollment decision.  (Next step for that process is to figure out how many admitted students have accepted our offer, and whether we’ll need to admit waitlisted applicants.)

And, finally, today is the deadline for our current students to submit an application for the renewal of their scholarships for next year.  This shouldn’t really create much work for us, since the application is fairly simple and routine, but you know how people are about deadlines.  At least a quarter of the applications have flowed in today.

From my own perspective, since I’m the scholarship application collector, this means a shortage of interesting blog posts for the rest of the week.  I’ll be back on Monday, once the scholarship applications (and related questions) are tucked in a box and I’ve managed to clear my email backlog.

2 thoughts on “Back-to-back deadlines

  • Hi Yongheng — Yes! There absolutely is still a chance to be admitted from the waitlist. In fact, we haven’t yet looked at the waitlist at all. We’ll need to hold off until all responses are in first, and the next group isn’t due until May 1. Thanks for your patience!

  • Hi Jessica,

    I have been watching this blog for a couple of days…I hope there is still a chance to get off the WL…T。T

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