General Admissions News

Loan Forgiveness

For the past few years, we’ve felt really fortunate to be able to offer help to our alumni repaying their student loans. Fletcher’s Hargens Loan Assistance Program is designed to support students who choose to work in the public or not-for-profit sectors. The program is available for as long as it takes for a graduate to repay loans, or to earn sufficient salary to comfortably make the yearly payments. Now, we’re proud that this Fletcher program has been adopted and extended by Tufts University to cover undergraduate students, and graduate students beyond those at Fletcher, making similar choices. The new program was described first in an article in the Boston Globe, and then in an editorial. (Note that Laurie Hurley, Fletcher’s admissions director contributes to the article!)

There’s a lot happening at Fletcher these days. I hope to write an update blog later this week. For now, I’m off to another local school to offer an information session.