General Admissions News

Admit/deny and bake the pie

I love Thanksgiving, and I always appreciate the extra long holiday weekend.  But meeting our Early Notification goals means reading applications at some point before Monday.  I have a couple of dozen applications — enough to need some time and focus, but not as many as I’ll bring home on a typical February weekend.  So I’ll probably read a few tonight.  Maybe a few tomorrow, while we’re waiting for my cousins to arrive.  The rest?  Well, knowing myself, I predict that Sunday will be organized around application reading.

But first the holiday.  I’ll spend this afternoon baking more than is reasonable, which will put me in a Thanksgiving frame of mind.  I’m trying a new pumpkin pie recipe, as well as some old favorites.  Paul will demonstrate his expertise with stuffing and I’ll cook up the sweet potatoes.  Tomorrow morning, I’ll pursue one of my favorite pre-meal traditions and take a walk.  I live in a busy neighborhood, and I enjoy the quiet that comes when nearly everyone is inside preparing or socializing.  Around 4:00, a cousin who lives locally will arrive at our house with a turkey and everything else that goes with it.  Our annual ritual of food, family, and friends.

Wherever you are, and whatever your holiday traditions may be (or even if you didn’t realize the U.S. is celebrating a holiday this week), I wish you a happy Thanksgiving!

(Please note that the Admissions Office will be closed from Thursday through Sunday.)

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