General Admissions News

Staff and Applicants Alike on the Road

Our travels continue. Fletcher admissions officers are enjoying meeting prospective students at graduate school fairs and during visits to colleges and universities throughout the U.S. This week will be among our busiest, with APSIA fairs in Washington, Philadelphia, and New York. There are still many visits to come. Check our schedule to find out if one of our staff will soon be in your area.

And we are especially excited to see so many applicants during their visits to the School. Nearly every one of our 31 interview slots are filled this week and next. Prospective students have also been sitting in on classes and attending information sessions. If you are able to make the trip, and haven’t yet done so, I encourage you to schedule an interview appointment as soon as possible. Please note that the schedules for most Mondays and Fridays are fully booked. There are still appointments available on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays. (If the trip is impossible for you, please be assured that the interviews are valuable, but strictly optional.)

Of course, Fletcher life is in full swing for our students, as well. I’m starting to hear talk of exams and papers (and the need to bring discipline to study habits!). Each week also includes many opportunities to strengthen professional skills through sessions on internships or special events such as last week’s “Starting an International Humanitarian Organization.” The subjects of guest lectures last week truly spanned the spectrum, ranging from “Making International Justice Work for Rape Victims: Experiences from the ICTR,” to “From Mecca to Metropolis: Creating Superheroes for the Islamic World.” Fletcher students approach their future international careers from so many different directions.

Finally, Sunday, October 15 is the deadline to submit applications for January 2007 admission. The “Januarian” class (as a former Januarian dubbed it) is generally small but tight-knit and we look forward to “meeting” our future students through their applications.

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