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A Celebration of Life

Almost exactly a year ago, I wrote about how the Fletcher community had rallied behind one of our students, Erica Murray.  Last December, we received the incredibly sad news that Erica had lost her battle with leukemia.  Incredible because of Erica’s amazing vitality, all the way to the end.  Today, the community will come together again.  First, with a bone marrow drive in Erica’s honor.  And then, with a celebration of her life.  The Student Council sent this message of invitation:

Dear Friends,

There comes a time in the life of a community when all else must pause so together we can re-affirm the values and causes that unite us and set us apart.

One such time is tomorrow, April 17th, 2009; we will all gather to celebrate the life of Erica Murray our departed friend and colleague. Erica walked our corridors, dreamed our dreams, and stood tall in the face of adversity. You may not have known her personally, but she was and always will be one of us.  Her strength and spirit has touched us all.

We gather to celebrate Erica’s strength and convictions, and also to affirm our common creed of service to humanity. We are running a bone marrow drive in the basement of Cabot Hall as part of the celebrations. It promises to be a sunny day tomorrow — so come to Fletcher and play soccer and frisbee on the lawn, read a book on a bench while enjoying the sunshine, and stop inside to participate in the activities honoring a beautiful student from our Fletcher Family.

What: Celebrating Erica Murray’s Life and Bone Marrow Drive

When: April 17th, 2009

Time: 11:00AM – 3pm Bone Marrow Drive in the Cabot Basement

3:30PM – Actual Ceremony Starts in the ASEAN Auditorium, All are encouraged to attend.

Thanks for helping make Fletcher the amazing community that is!


The Student Council

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