General Admissions News

OH Today, afternoon update

I’m back with my next Open House Report.  Since my first dispatch, I kicked off my personal Open House activities by working the registration table, one of my favorite places to hang out.  (I love being busy.)  I left my post for just a minute to take this picture.


Then, I heard some words of welcome, including from first-year MALD student Juanita.


From there, I left the Hall of Flags to sit in on the panel for admitted PhD students.  Panel is perhaps a bit of an overstatement since we had two Fletcher staffers, two current students, and two admitted students.  (So it goes with a very small PhD program.)

Much more panel-like were the presentations for MALD/MA and MIB students.  Alas, I don’t know what happened there, beyond the sharing of information.

Then, back to the office for walk-in office hours.  It’s always nice to be asked a challenging question.  I’ve worked in Admissions for a long time, but there’s no shortage of topics on which I can be stumped.  Today’s meetings included two conversations on complicated topics.

Everyone is off at lunch now, and I’m minding the shop.  I’m due to be here for more office hours later, but I’ll try to take a minute to drift over to lunch, at least for the presentation by Career Services.

But perhaps you’d like an overall view of what’s happening today.  Allow me to share the email that Liz, our Open House guru, sent to the staff on Friday.

A final update before our event kicks off this weekend! We will be welcoming 122 admitted students and six guests Sunday evening, and 134 admitted students and nine guests on Monday.

We will be hosting eight topical roundtables, 22 class visits options, three sets of walk in hours, three student panels, four programmatic sessions, plus tours and the student club fair (where we have 30 clubs participating)!  It should be quite a day!

I’m sure Liz would join me as I close with a word of thanks to the weather for cooperating today.  It’s sunny and mild — perfect for a busy visit.

If I can file a late-afternoon report, I’ll do so.  Let’s see how the next rounds of walk-in office hours go!



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