General Admissions News

We’ve got company today!

While I’m taking a few minutes in the office, Laurie and a group of current students/new graduates are meeting with some visitors.  They were invited here by the university as part of a program called Tufts Prospective Graduate Students Day (an informative, if not pithy, title).  The full group includes not only future Fletcher applicants, but also students interested in one of the university’s many other graduate-level offerings.  There was a cluster of prospective health sciences professionals, who were whisked away to the Boston campus (medical, dental, nutrition, and biomedical sciences schools), as well as students interested in an academic PhD program, who are meeting with folks from the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences.

The visitors are themselves connected with programs to which Tufts reached out.  Many are McNair Scholars, but some are in programs local to their home universities that support first-generation college students or members of groups underrepresented in higher education.

Later today, Laurie and I, along with Rizwan (a current Fletcher PhD student), will meet all the Medford/Somerville campus visitors for a presentation on applying to graduate school.  I always enjoy talking about the nitty-gritty of the process, and I’ll do my best to send the group off with useful pointers.

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