You could hear a pin drop
It’s quiet around the office these days. Once the decisions finally went out, we all turned to more solitary tasks. We’re catching up on whatever we would have been doing if not for the envelope-stuffing, or we’re answering emails and calls from applicants. Kate and I share an office wall, and Peter and Laurie are only a short distance away, but I barely saw them yesterday.
But, we have had some visitors. A few of of this year’s applicants have stopped by, and yesterday we had a full information session. We also squeezed in an interview of an applicant for fall ’09 who is about to leave the country.
I feel that I’ve said everything there is to say about the decision-making part of the admissions process, and I plan to turn to other topics in the blog. I’m open to suggestions, though. If you think I’ve missed something that would be of value to the general blog audience, please let me know.
Hi, Jessica.
Just a quick email to say that I really appreciate–and enjoy–your blogs. I’m not a blog reader (at all–yours is the only one I’ve ever returned to, even though I’m a voracious reader in general), but I’ve read all of your posts since I first discovered them this past December. While self-interest certainly plays into that (smile), the other reason I keep logging on is you do an excellent job of weaving important information together with those fascinating little “slice of life” details that make me feel like I’m getting to know you and the rest of the admissions staff.
I’ll be applying to Fletcher and three other schools for the fall of 2009–and hope to fly out for a visit and interview sometime in the next nine months or so. (I live in Colorado.) So, all that said, please keep up with your blogging…and thanks!