ReSentencing Journal
The reSentencing Journal is a collection of poems, stories, essays, and visual art pieces compiled into a beautiful book. The journal highlights art created by currently and formerly incarcerated individuals and acts as a platform for creative expression. This project seeks to represent and reimagine the experience of imprisonment and freedom in the U.S. from a personal point of view from the perspective of people who have extraordinary talent and a tremendous amount to teach.
reSentencing Volume 2
reSentencing Vol. 2 Co-editors
- Hilary Binda
- Amaj David
reSentencing Vol. 2 Managing Editor
- Quinn Williamson
reSentencing Vol. 2 Advisory Committee
- Dwanye Betts
- Abby Childs
- George Chocos
- Nicole Fleetwood
- Simon Han
- Michelle Daniel Jones
- Helen Elaine Lee
- Sanda Lim
- ZZ Packer
- Ravi Shankar
reSentencing Vol. 2 Editorial Committee Chairs
- Tyler Brown
- Kevin Dunn
- Simon Han
- Chantal Zakari
reSentencing Vol. 2 Archivist
- Daniel Santamaria
reSentencing Vol. 2 Designers
- Maggie Brosnan
- Rayya Chek
Art Director
- Chantal Zakari
reSentencing Vol. 2 Editorial Committee
- Sara Akant
- Hilary Binda
- Sara Bennett
- Jody Boykins
- Rome Chacon
- Kate Hollander
- Erin Kelly
- Swinks Laporte
- Helen Elaine Lee
- Shane Moffat
- John Sanchez
- Ravi Shankar
- Kentel Weaver
- Quinn Williamson
- Raul The Third
reSentencing Vol. 2 Lead Editorial Assistants
- Brandon DeLucia
- Isabel Garzon
- Swinks Laporte
reSentencing Vol. 2 Editorial Assistants
- Jamie Binda-Dunn
- Maggie Binda-Dunn
- Louise Bond
- Helena Colbert
- Lizzie Friedman
- Gus Gladstein
- Anna Li
- Seona Maskara
- Catherine Quinn
- João Ribeiro
- Claire Robinson
- Cathy Yao
Principal funding for this journal was provided by the National Endowment for the Arts and the Tufts University MUSE program for Arts, Humanities, and Humanistic Social Sciences, as well as from the Jonathan M. Tisch College of Civic Life.
For general inquiries, please contact
reSentencing Volume 1

The reSentencing Vol 1. advisory board included:
Reginald Dwayne Betts, George Chochos, Michelle Daniel Jones, Helen Elaine Lee, Sandra Lim, and ZZ Packer
The reSentencing Vol 1.editorial board included:
Kevin Dunn, Rahim Gray, Joseph Irizarry, Erin Kelly, Kareem Khubchandani, Anthony Romero, Abigail Satinsky, Michael Smoot, Jessica Sutton, Anna Vodicka, Tess Wheelwright, and Chantal Zakari
The reSentencing co-editors:
Hilary Binda and John Lurz