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Coffee hour reports

We’re so happy with our coffee hour experiment!  Kristen and Liz created and implemented this multifaceted summer project.  Here’s Kristen’s report:

It has been a hectic couple of weeks, organizing about 25 gatherings across the globe, but we’re pleased to see that both current and prospective students have enjoyed the chance to chat about Fletcher. We still have more events coming up this weekend, so if you are in Houston, Istanbul, or Bangkok, feel free to RSVP and join in!  Student coffee hosts have reported back on their experience.

From Kathleen and Will in Paris:
French rock n’ roll played in the background, as we welcomed three prospective students to an informal Fletcher informational meeting in a bar in the 8th arrondissement of Paris.  The three prospective students came armed with questions, inquiring about the Fletcher curriculum, access to professors, career services, and life in Boston.  Two of the three participants were French citizens, and they appeared excited and nervous about the application process, as well as about studying in the U.S for the first time.  We tried to inject our responses with personal anecdotes that conveyed the vibrancy of the Fletcher experience.

From Laurence in Montreal:
Yesterday I had the pleasure to meet in Montreal with a small group of potential students from different parts of Canada.  We met at Caffè Art Java on Mont-Royal, a hospitable and open place that allowed us to enjoy the beautiful evening weather.  Not three years ago, I remember being in their shoes and going through the painful, yet rewarding, process of graduate school applications.  Questions ranged from the background of the student body, to internships and scholarship funding.  I sincerely hope that I was able to convey my appreciation of the friendships I have made, the knowledge I have gained, and the new opportunities that have been opened to me through the Fletcher family.  Good luck with your applications!

From Min and Sean in Cairo:
Two prospective students attended the event and asked about Fletcher’s MALD, MIB, and LLM programs. The discussion ranged from campus life to how Fletcher prepares students for the career of their choice.  We also talked about life in Egypt, and the two students were generous in offering their advice on how we could make the most of our time in Cairo.  We shared contact details for meeting up in the future.  After the event, we connected the prospective students with current Fletcher students and with alumni with experience in their areas of interest.

2 thoughts on “Coffee hour reports

  • Hi Ruchira — We’ve been very pleased with our coffee hours, and we plan to organize them again, but it wouldn’t be until next summer. Meanwhile, though, there will be Fletcher and APSIA events in India. Check out our travel page to see if one of the visits will be convenient for you. If you have any questions about the schedule, send them along.

  • This is a great initiative. I am sad that I missed out on the Coffee Hour in Delhi, India.
    Will it happen sometime again or next year only?

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