Student Stories

Our Students

Aki looks back on his first Fletcher year

Long time no see! I trust that all you students are relishing your summer vacation. For those among you who are employed, you may be contemplating how to best utilize your summer recess. As for myself, I am currently situated outside the United States. In this blog entry, I aim to provide a summary of the past year, encompassing the completion of my studies at Fletcher during the Fall 2022 and Spring 2023 semesters.

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Our Students

Birendra’s spring break

Spring break just went by, meaning differently for different students. For some this was an opportunity to explore the USA, some visited family and friends, some just did some unwinding and as for me – I took the opportunity to engage in some more in-depth research in topics relating to humanitarian justice and writing two papers (with support of two of my professors, one in the UN and another at the world bank).

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Our Students

Student bloggers: Aki’s fall recap

Hello again! I am excited to begin the next semester after a well-deserved break. I am thrilled to have the opportunity to attend classes in-person this semester, in addition to the previous one. As this is my first experience studying abroad for an extended period, I have encountered a plethora of new experiences and challenges. I find it hard to believe that a quarter of my semesters at Fletcher have already passed.

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