
Though the solstice is a month away, and today’s weather is cool and damp, it’s definitely summer at Fletcher.  Commencement took place yesterday and Summer School starts this evening.  When I arrived on campus this morning, the only activity I saw involved taxis and newly-minted graduates on their way out of town.

In the Office, our attention is primarily turned toward summer projects.  (Writing for the blog represents a bit of procrastination from the summer to-do list.)  But we’re also meeting incoming students and prospective applicants.

This morning, I talked with two visitors on a road trip.  They don’t plan to apply to Fletcher for at least a couple of years, but they came by as part of their scouting mission.  In fact, many of our summer visitors won’t apply in 2009, but they’re traveling around and gathering information on possible grad schools.  As I’ve mentioned previously, we welcome you to visit during the summer, if that’s when a visit is convenient for you.  Starting June 1, we’re going to offer weekly information sessions, and you may want to plan your visit so that you can attend one.  If you’re ready for an interview, we can set one up for you.  A visit in the fall would give you a better sense of the community, but we’d rather have you visit in the summer than not visit at all.

Note for the advance planners out there, the fall interview schedule should be in place by next week when you can call or email to set an appointment.

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