About Fletcher

Dean travels

I always find Fletcher to be an exciting place to work.  In general, the liveliness of the students is energizing, and their dedication to service is motivating.  I only say “in general” because, during weeks like this one, the students are a little less lively than usual.  Classes conclude on Friday, and exams loom on the horizon.  Our staffers and interviewers all seem to be hanging in there, but some of them look a little more tired or rumpled than they did during the free-and-easy first weeks of the semester.

Balancing the student fatigue is more news than usual on the local/global scene.  That is, one of our locals is making global news.  Fletcher’s dean, Stephen Bosworth, is heading to Pyongyang for talks with North Korean leaders.  It’s always interesting to read a newspaper report detailing the whereabouts of our colleagues — bringing to life that balance between classroom learning and practical application.