General Admissions News


I’ve been out of the office for a couple of days, and I’m doing the usual scramble to catch up.  Before I let even more time slip away since we released decisions, though, I want to say a quick word on feedback for applicants who were not admitted.

Fletcher is happy to offer feedback for applicants who plan to apply again.  We need a little time in the spring to take care of other admissions work, but after May 1, applicants who wish to know which aspects of their application need improvement can make a request by following this simple process.

Occasionally we’ll receive a note in December from someone who intends to reapply by the following January 15.  Our feedback notes might be useful, but only if the faults in the application are limited to the essays or other aspects of the application itself.  Beyond those simple fixes, there won’t be time to follow through.  It’s frustrating for us to tell someone in December that they need to bolster their English proficiency, or gain more professional or international experience, or take additional classes to prepare for graduate study.  There’s simply too little time to carry through.  I would recommend that you request feedback at least six to eight months before your next application.  Then you’ll have time to follow up.