General Admissions News

Decisions 101

As promised earlier this week, I’m going to devote a few posts to the different decision options.

For our first class on Fletcher admissions decisions, I would like to start with the bad news.  Much as we like to focus on admitting students (which is the fun part of our Committee work), we regretfully acknowledge that not everyone will be admitted (which is the sad part of our Committee work).

The reasons why applicants aren’t offered admission are the flip side of why they are.  When we review applications, we’re looking for a combination of academic potential, professional and international experience, and clear goals for study and a post-Fletcher career.  Applicants who are denied admission might be missing two or more of those elements, or they might be just a little weak in all of them, particularly compared to the overall qualifications of admitted students.  We’re sorry to say good-bye to these applicants, but that’s the unfortunate reality of the admissions business.

For applicants who have been denied admission, it may be hard to look past the bottom line.  But from our perspective, we do make one distinction among students who will not be offered admission this year.  Some applicants will receive a letter saying that, though they look great overall, we really want them to gain some professional experience, and it’s the work history that stands between them and the admission they hoped for.  We’ll only use this “work deny” decision for applicants within about a year of their university graduation (this year, that means 2010 and 2011 grads).  We encourage them to work for a couple of years, although (depending on their internship record), it could take more or less time than that for them to look competitive.

There are two final points to make on this sad topic.  The first is that Fletcher welcomes applicants to reapply.  I’m often asked if we have a bias against second-time applicants.  Quite the contrary!  Someone who applies unsuccessfully, smooths up some of the rough points in the application, and reapplies in a subsequent year, has shown determination and a strong interest in the School — two qualities we love in our applicants.

The second point is related to the first.  Fletcher will provide feedback to applicants.  If you’re planning to reapply, I encourage you to ask for feedback this spring.  (That is, don’t wait until the  month before your next application — you may want some time to make improvements.)  We’ll accept feedback requests on May 1 (more on this topic later in the spring) and you’ll hear back from us within a month or so of your request.

Our next class will consider the waitlist.

6 thoughts on “Decisions 101

  • Thanks for weighing in, Amanda! I’m glad you found the feedback beneficial. It’s actually gratifying for us when someone requests feedback and then comes back as a strong applicant.

  • I can confirm that the feedback given on applications is helpful and detailed. I applied to Fletcher in 2009 and, upon a job offer in Indonesia, decided to head abroad. However, I asked Fletcher for comments on my application so I could better apply in a few years. It was very helpful. No other school I applied to offered this feedback and showed this level of investment in my overall success. Take advantage of this if you are wait-listed or denied admission. You will benefit from Fletcher’s feedback. Thanks!

  • You’re welcome, Adrienne. There’s such a frenzy when decisions are actually released that it’s impossible to provide any advice or counseling. So it seems really important to us to provide as much information as possible ahead of time. I’ll talk about the waitlist and conditional admission next week. Stay tuned!

  • Thank you so much for these in depth updates! It is wonderful to know how much you care about our success and will provide feedback if the response is not in our favor. I really appreciate the time you have taken out of your busy schedules to keep us posted and informed! 🙂

  • Sorry, Dan. Not yet. We have a long way to go — but I want applicants to be prepared to understand their decision letters. I think I’ll add a little note to the post to make this clearer. Thank you for making me aware of the problem.

  • Which means the decisions are in?

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