General Admissions News

Want feedback?

As I mentioned back in March, Fletcher Admissions will provide feedback on unsuccessful applications to applicants who may want to reapply.  At the risk of increasing our workload, if you plan to reapply to Fletcher, I strongly encourage you to request feedback on your application.  To do so, send us an email.  Your message should include the following:

♦  A sentence or two for the request, noting the date of your original application.
♦  Any special questions you have about your application.
♦  Your plans for the coming year.
♦  Your expected timeline for reapplying.

In this recent admissions cycle, we reviewed applications from people who requested feedback, followed the advice, and were admitted this time around.  We also read applications from reapplicants who didn’t request feedback, made the same mistakes a second time, and were not offered admission.  Asking for feedback and following the suggestions can give a real boost to an applicant.

Last, now that I’ve encouraged you to make us work harder, please be patient.  Reviewing applications takes time, and there’s already a bunch of waiting requests.  We’ll get back to you as soon as possible, but it may take a little while.

3 thoughts on “Want feedback?

  • Thanks for writing, Jessica. I appreciate even small bits of info like these…it is helpful!

  • Hi Chantel,
    I don’t want you to be done in by suspense, but there’s not too much I can say yet. Responses from waitlisted applicants were due on Tuesday, May 1 (as you know) and we have started to figure out what’s what. We will probably make a few offers of admission in the coming week — only a handful for now. We want to move the process forward (for all involved) but we can’t enroll more students than we have chairs in the classrooms, so it’s a careful process. I know I should post something, but I hesitate when I don’t have clear info to share. At any rate, that’s where we are. Feel free to call us if you want to talk directly.

  • Hi Jessica,

    The suspense is killing me…any word about the waitlist yet? Have you started re-reviewing applications yet?

    Thank you,

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