About Fletcher

New bloggers in town

I’ve just returned from about a week out of the office, so just a quick post today.  First, my thanks to Christine, who kept the blog humming last week with her staff introductions.  You’ll be hearing more from Christine in September, as we’ll be replacing the Dear Ariel feature with a new Q&A column, “Consult Christine.”  It will be fun for me to collaborate with Christine on the column, though we all miss the now-graduated Ariel.

Also new is a blog from Fletcher Dean James Stavridis.  While faculty, staff, students, and alumni are getting to know Dean Stavridis, his writing will also provide us with a window into his thoughts about the School.  Check out his first blog post and video.  Dean Stavridis is well connected through social media, and invites you to engage with him through your preferred platform including blog comments, Twitter or Facebook.