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End of semester reading

Just a quick note today, lest you think I am still off celebrating Thanksgiving.  In fact, yesterday was completely gobbled up by two PhD interviews, two interview reports, an information session, and reading a small pile of files that I just didn’t manage to get to over the weekend.  Today I’m catching up from yesterday, as it often goes.  That makes it a good time to share the latest update from our friends at The Fletcher Forum.  Here’s the email that went out to the community just before the break.

Dear Fletcher Friends, Colleagues, Staff, Faculty, and Alumni,

ForumcoverThe Fletcher Forum Online — the online portal of The Fletcher Forum of World Affairs, the school’s student-run international affairs journal — has had an exciting semester thus far, as we have brought in new staff and released our Special 80th Anniversary Edition. We invite you to visit our website to read some of our content and to consider submitting your own article for publication!

Some of our fall interview highlights include:

A conversation with the Dean of The Fletcher School, Admiral James Stavridis.
Dean Stavridis discusses the future of diplomacy and twenty-first century security, and provides shrewd advice to young professionals pursuing careers that navigate the challenges of today’s globalized world.

A conversation with former Ambassador to the Philippines, Harry K. Thomas, Jr.
Ambassador Thomas discusses his distinguished career in the Foreign Service and comments on a range of foreign policy issues from the role of diplomacy in solving global problems to advancing the rights of women and girls to the ongoing disaster relief efforts in the Philippines.

Our fall op-eds have ranged in topic from human rights in the Middle East to international law in Africa to democratic governance in Latin America. Check out some of these highlights:

Pakistan is Giving Democracy a Chance, by Wilson Lee
Learning the Right Lessons from Iraq, by Patricia Stottlemyer
Managing Crisis in South Asia: Avoiding Armageddon Again,  by Bruce Riedel
ICC Prosecutions in Africa Underscore Need for Effective Regional Institutions, by Kamissa Camara
The Case for Treating Migration as Trade, by Amien Kacou
The Need for an International Solution to Illicit Financial Flows, by Rohit Sinha
Diplomacy Bridging the U.S-Iranian Divide, by Arafat Kabir
Bringing Human Rights through the Back Door at the European Union, by David Blázquez
Reforming Brazil’s “Violent Democracy”, by Jim Shyne

Please feel free to leave comments or submit your own piece for publication.

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Happy Reading!
The Fletcher Forum of World Affairs Online

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