Dis-Orientation: Annual but always unofficial
What do bubble soccer, a brewery tour, a “Bechdel Test” party, and “Acro-yoga” have in common? They’re all among the student-led activities scheduled for this week during Dis-Orientation, the natural unofficial counterpoint to August’s official Orientation program. Like thesis haikus, Dis-O is one of those traditions that popped up one year and has been retained ever since. And there’s a very full schedule! Nearly every time block from 9:00 a.m. to midnight is booked with outings, parties, or opportunities to hang out with friends playing video or board games. Sometimes two activities in the same block (Red Sox or Davis Square bar night — how to choose?). The week’s activities will wrap up on Thursday night, after which graduating students can turn their attention to graduation rehearsals, visiting relatives, and packing their stuff. Commencement is nearly here!