Our Students

The Beauty of Mathematics, now available for viewing

MaityAs I wrote last fall, my favorite unofficial Fletcher event of the year was the four-part series that second-year MALD student Abhishek Maity offered on “The Beauty of Mathematics.”  The topics for the sessions were:

The Language of Nature: Fractals!
The Inanity of Infinity
What are Numbers? Reality and Chaos
The Ancients: From the Vedas to Al-Jebr

Maity (as he prefers to be called) shared the YouTube playlist of the recorded talks with the community.  I encourage you to give them a look!  (If you do, you’ll see that he designed the playlist to be private.  He agreed that I could share it with blog readers.)

Although the videos aren’t perfect, I’m sharing them because of what they meant to me — a student dedicated a lot of time to preparing and presenting, and an audience of other students attended, despite the tenuous link between the content and their Fletcher studies.  There are many examples of students sharing knowledge with students, but there’s usually a more direct utility to the information.  In this case, Maity presented the series simply to share his love of mathematics with others.

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