General Admissions News

Process update

Last week, starting with the January 10 deadline, and this week are filled with the work that sets us up for the next two months.  Here’s a quick update on where things stand, now that we have moved rapidly from awaiting applications to reviewing them.  We still have a batch of applications that need to be checked for completeness, but we’re working through them steadily and we’ll receive a speed boost this week when all of our graduate assistants will have returned to campus after their winter break.  In addition, we’re keeping up with emails, many of which have an attached transcript or other document.  All of those pieces are being added to their applications.  Please continue to be patient if you haven’t heard about your application, but know that we’re making good progress.

Meanwhile, the students on the Admissions Committee jumped into the (virtual) bin of completed applications last week and got a ton of reading done.  The Admissions staff also did a big batch of reading and we’ll have our first MALD/MA Committee meeting of the winter on Friday.  Liz and Dan are both at home reading today, and I’ll be reading tomorrow.  This will be the pattern for another five or six weeks until all the applications have been read at least twice.

Meanwhile, we anticipate receiving another batch of applications for the late deadlines in February (MALD, MA) or by March 1 (LLM, MIB).  Those applications will slide easily into the weekly work flow that will have been well established by then.

And an update on the PhD applications that were due by December 20.  Those are all already moving through the reading and review process.  They follow a much more serpentine path than the applications for master’s-level programs, but applicants can be sure that review is well under way.  The PhD Admissions Committee will meet several times in February and March.

Last, while I’m talking about the applications due December 20, there are the MYFs.  Those, too, are moving along.  The applications are considered separately from the general MALD/MIB bunch, as they’re evaluated on a slightly different set of metrics, but they, too, will receive all the attention they deserve.

So that’s where things stand.  I won’t provide a process update every week — the news would be increasingly dull as we move from January to February to March, doing roughly the same thing every week — but I know that applicants are always anxious to know where things stand, and now you know!