About Fletcher

WPF Conference Competition event is here!

Back in the fall, the World Peace Foundation announced its 2016-2017 WPF Student Seminar Competition.  It invited Fletcher students to submit proposals for a two-day seminar that would be held on campus in the spring semester.  WPF said “the student competition enables Fletcher School students to frame an issue and interact with leading global experts on the topic of their choosing.”

And the event is finally here!  The student-led seminar on “Theorizing (Dis)Order: Governing in an Uncertain World” will take place tomorrow and Friday.  The students who submitted the winning proposal are MALD students Akua Agyen (first-year) and Protiti Roy (second-year), and PhD students Benjamin Spatz, Juan Taborda, and Rebecca Tapscott.

Here’s the description:

The seminar brings together a diverse group of scholars who study how unpredictability, disorder, and turbulence are produced, performed, invoked, and allocated as a means of shaping—or even constituting—strategies of governance worldwide. These scholars, of varying disciplinary backgrounds, will engage each other to enrich existing theoretical frameworks for understanding the connections between disorder and governance. Drawing on cases from Latin America, the Middle East, Africa, and Asia, scholars will explore the question of disorder in a number of contexts, including in relation to the formal and informal security sector, financial markets, decentralization, governing borderlands, and elite pacts.

I’ll be watching for the Twitter chatter during the conference and I’ll edit today’s post to add a link so you can follow along.