General Admissions News


This evening, Fletcher will host Boston Summerfest, which means that at 5:30, the Hall of Flags will suddenly throw off its summer quiet and lively up.  It’ll be…Summerfestive!  Jointly with our colleagues from Columbia, Johns Hopkins, Georgetown, and Princeton, we’ll welcome Fletcher students, alumni of all our schools, and prospective students interested in international affairs graduate study.  We’re excited about this first-ever Boston Summerfest event.

Later this summer, we’ll also participate in similar events in Washington, DC and New York City, the two cities where Summerfest has been held before.  If you’re interested in any of the Summerfest dates, register now at the links above.  But registered or not, if you’re in the neighborhood, don’t hesitate to turn up tonight!  Walk-ins will be welcome.

We look forward to seeing you here or at a future Summerfest!

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