General Admissions News

Quick Januarian check-in

And now a quick word for our prospective 2018 Januarians.  The applications submitted by folks hoping to enroll in January are now working their way through the process.  Many have already been reviewed.  Dan spent yesterday reading and Liz is following up today.  (Thank goodness for my Admissions pals, since I haven’t had a chance to read a single file yet.)  We even pulled a student into the process.  One of the returning members of the Admissions Committee was able to jump in to read a few applications and help push the process along.  Though we’ve had plenty to read, there’s about an equal number of applications still waiting for materials (recommendations or test scores, generally).  If that’s your story, make sure everything is going to come together very soon.

We’re often asked how long the process will take.  International students, especially, are concerned that they won’t have time to secure their visas.  Even U.S.-based students want to know that they’ll have time to arrange a move.  You can be sure that this very short turn-around period is at the front of our minds.  Decisions will be released in time for everyone to make plans — all the more reason to speedily submit those lagging elements of the application.

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