General Admissions News

Say hi to Murray

This is Murray.  Murray’s human is my Admissions pal, Dan.  The rest of the Admissions staff has embraced Murray (more accurately, the thought of Murray, since he has seldom visited the office) as our Admissions Canine Representative.

Today, Murray is here to remind readers of the upcoming October 15 deadline for January 2018 enrollment.  (When we say the deadline is October 15, we mean that you should submit your application by 11:59 PM EDT (UTC-4) on October 15.  Delay one minute longer and it would no longer be October 15.)

While we’re on the subject of deadlines, Murray wants applicants for September 2018 enrollment to remember that they can take advantage of the November 15 Early Notification deadline.  Though I admit that we’re happy to front-load a little of our application-reading work, you shouldn’t worry that your application will be at a disadvantage if you wait until January.  Early Notification can be great for people who will need to relocate for graduate school or, really, anyone who simply wants an early answer.  If that’s you, please stay on top of the November 15 deadline.

And to everyone, the materials that are due by your selected deadline are the application, transcripts, test scores, and any other pieces that originate with you.  If your recommender is a little slow in writing, we understand.  You need to provide the recommender with timely reminders, but we won’t consider your application to be late if the recommendation is late.

Murray looks forward to seeing your application.

One thought on “Say hi to Murray

  • LOL Hi, Murray!

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