General Admissions News

Murray dons tie, awaits applications

Our friend and Admissions Canine Representative, Murray, is all dressed up and looking forward to reading applications for September 2018 enrollment, some of which have already arrived or will arrive today before our Early Notification deadline.  (As usual, Murray reminds you that the ultimate last minute for submitting the application is 11:59 PM EST (UTC-4) today, November 15.)

We have our Admissions Committee — including ten new student members (two for MIB, eight for MALD/MA) — ready to start their reading, and we’ll be meeting early in December.  The turnaround is pretty quick on Early Notification applications.  Everyone with a complete application will hear from us before the end of December.

That speedy process means that, if you’re one of the EN applicants, you should make sure all needed materials reach us very soon.  All the basics (form, essays, transcripts) should be submitted by tonight’s deadline, and you’ll want any lagging items (test scores or recommendations, for example) to reach us within the next week.  Incomplete applications will simply be rolled into the regular application group, which means you’ll have until January 10 to gather those last materials.  (No penalty, and not a big deal, but you also won’t get an early response from us.)

I don’t have a gingham tie of my own but, like Murray, I’m looking forward to reading some applications!