Our Students

For our prospective students from Japan…

Some hard-working students who are very generous with their time have recently completed a Japanese-language website for Fletcher.  Though the team has consulted with Admissions and other Fletcher admin folks, the website is unofficial but focused on connecting prospective students from Japan with the School and our students from (or interested in) Japan.  And, under the umbrella of the Fletcher Japan Club, they’ve organized themselves into a very professional operation, complete with succession planning.  Here’s the full team, including the students who initiated the project and those who will be taking it over for next year.

If you don’t read Japanese, you’ll still get a good sense of what they’ve included on the website by using the top navigation bar.  One aspect that might not be clear is that the front page includes a sign-up through which prospective students can contact the Fletcher Japan Club to help them arrange a visit.  An applicant took advantage of this feature in the fall and was treated to meetings, tours, and lunch groups.  We, in Admissions, so appreciate the generosity of these students!  Whether or not you read Japanese, I hope you’ll take a look.


A side note:  One of the three members of the original website team is Taji (second from front on the right of the photo), who contributed to the blog last year, and who was recently featured in a Fletcher feature story about his interest in music.  The other original members of the team are Yutaro, second-year MIB (behind Taji), and TT (second from front, on the left), second-year MALD.