General Admissions News

Late process update

Yep, we know, applicants are getting anxious: When will decisions be released?  It’s time for an update, which will fall short of a prediction.

Nearly all completed applications have been read, reviewed, and given a preliminary decision.  That’s true for all degree programs and pretty much the only cases still kicking around are those that arrived for our March 1 deadline.  At this time, we’re working on the last details and finalizing decisions, as well as reviewing scholarship applications and making awards.  There’s also plenty of behind-the-scenes work going on — checking and rechecking our letters and emails.

So when will decisions be released?  I still can’t say.  I can tell you for sure that it will be no later than March 20.  As we complete each day’s work, it becomes clearer how much longer we’ll need.  For now, it’s still murky.  The update, I suppose, is simply that we’re in the final stages, but these last steps always take time.  More information to follow in the coming days.