General Admissions News

It’s spring!

We’re just entering the most bittersweet time of the academic year.  Students completed their exams this week and immediately started peeling away.  Many first-year students who haven’t already gone will leave today or on the weekend, after attending the Diplomat’s Ball last night.  I’ve seen a few photos, and received a report from Mariya, and it sounds like it was a fabulous evening.

The Tufts campus is in full spring mode.  After a snowy March and a cold start to April, the weather shifted suddenly to spring and then to summer (or summer-like temperatures) and then back to spring, bringing all the flowers out and the leaves to the trees.  Apple blossoms, cherry blossoms, lilacs, magnolias, daffodils, tulips — all bringing color to the campus at once.

Yesterday the Admissions team went out for lunch with Cindy and Brooklyn, our graduating Graduate Assistants, so the process of saying good-bye is underway for us.  That’s where the bittersweet feelings come in: we’re so happy to welcome the spring, but with the good weather and the end of the semester comes the departure of graduating students.  We still have another week to look forward to catching up with folks before they head off to their post-Fletcher lives and careers.  And of course, there’s Commencement, when we’ll enjoy a big celebratory farewell.  After that, the quiet days of summer.

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