Summerfest follow-up
As I mentioned last week, I joined colleagues from our closest peer schools at a Summerfest event hosted by Georgetown MSFS on Wednesday. With nearly 150 prospective students attending and only five schools to chat with, one Fletcher rep would never have been enough. I recruited a happy band of alumni and current-student volunteers to help me out. Here’s the team, just before the evening ended:
Grace, Ishan (who turned up without my even having asked), Mariya (F18), Akshobh, Harsha (F14), Kelsey, and Katie all answered questions on a very wide range of topics (research on Russia, the Map Your Future pathway, the PhD program, joining the Foreign Service, self-designed Fields of Study, to name only a few). Harsha did double duty — he was the alumnus representing Fletcher for a panel discussion and then he joined us at the table.
At Fletcher, we talk endlessly about the community, but I never find the endless talk to be an exaggeration. All these folks gave up a lovely summer evening to stand in a noisy meeting room and answer question after question and — let’s be honest — represent the student experience far better than I can. They also make every event more fun!
There are two more Summerfests coming up, in New York and a second evening in DC. I hope you’ll join us — one of my Admissions pals and a group of student volunteers — on one of those dates.