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Faculty and Staff Waits on You Dinner

faculty and staff dinnerOur colleague Liz recently represented Admissions at one of Fletcher’s most popular yearly events. Here’s her report:

One of my favorite traditions is the annual “Faculty and Staff Waits on You” dinner and auction. Each year students purchase tickets to a dinner in the Hall of Flags, where faculty and staff, you guessed it, serve as waiters and waitresses for the evening. As the dinner is concluding, an auction kicks off with donated items from the community. This year, the admissions team offered up our interview room as a study space for finals, complete with snacks of the winner’s choosing. I was excited to see that our donation was highly sought after given finals on the horizon. Other items included a dinner with the Dean, squash lessons with a faculty member, and homemade bread (we have a student who is a wonderful baker, and her bread is a highly coveted item – in fact, the Dean purchased a loaf!).

Each year the students decide on the charity the proceeds will go to, and this year was the very deserving Rosie’s Place.  The mission of Rosie’s Place is to “provide a safe and nurturing environment for poor and homeless women to maintain their dignity, seek opportunity, and find security in their lives.” Rosie’s Place, located in Boston, was the first women-only shelter in the United States. Interestingly, as their website notes, a “decision was made at the outset to accept no city, state, or federal money to ensure Rosie’s Place’s independence from outside demands, policies or prejudices.” As such, the funds raised were much needed and will be put to good use!

This year, I’m proud to say the Fletcher community raised $7,000 for Rosie’s Place. There were over 30 action items donated and many faculty and staff who donated their time as wait staff.
For now, I’m looking forward to pulling my apron out again next year!

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