About Fletcher

Fletcher welcomes new Dean Rachel Kyte

Dean Rachel KyteIt’s only Wednesday, but it’s already been an exciting week at Fletcher! This past Monday saw a beautiful confluence of events: the 160+ visitors here for admitted student Open House were treated to the news of the appointment of Rachel Kyte as the next Dean of The Fletcher School. Below is the announcement to the Tufts community from President Anthony Monaco and Provost Deborah Kochevar. You can also read the press release and view an introductory video on the Fletcher website. A hearty welcome to Dean Kyte!

Dear members of the Tufts community,

After an extensive global search, we are delighted to announce the appointment of Rachel Kyte as the dean of The Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy. A graduate of the school’s Global Master of Arts Program (GMAP) as well as a Fletcher professor of the practice since 2014, Ms. Kyte returns to Tufts in the next chapter of a distinguished career in leadership in the worlds of international affairs, business, and finance. Ms. Kyte assumes her new position as Fletcher’s dean after leading the United Nations’ efforts toward greater access to clean, affordable energy as part of action on climate change and sustainable development as chief executive officer of Sustainable Energy for All (SEforALL), and special representative of the UN secretary-general for SEforAll. Sustainable Energy for All is a non-profit public/private platform created from an initiative of the UN secretary-general.

Prior to these roles, Ms. Kyte was vice president and special envoy for climate change at World Bank Group (WBG), where she also served as vice president of sustainable development. Ms. Kyte was previously vice president for business advisory services at the International Finance Corporation, developing a strategy to support inclusive business models, including women’s businesses. Before that, Ms. Kyte served as director for environmental and social development for the International Finance Corporation, and also served in leadership at the World Conservation Union. Ms. Kyte has founded and led non-government organizations focusing on women, the environment, health, and human rights.

Ms. Kyte has received many awards for leadership, climate action, and sustainable development – including Woman of the Year from the Earth Day Foundation’s Women and the Green Economy campaign. In addition to her Fletcher degree, Ms. Kyte holds a Bachelor of Arts in politics and history from the University of London.

We are truly grateful to Ian Johnstone for his exemplary service as dean ad interim since last May. In that role, and previously as a member of the Fletcher faculty, he has shown committed leadership and provided demonstrable and significant benefit across the university. We would also like to recognize the members of the dean search committee: they brought to the process deep dedication to Fletcher and tremendous insight from their experiences as faculty, staff, students, and members of the School’s Board of Advisors.

We are confident that, as dean, Rachel Kyte will drive the mission and goals of The Fletcher School and will be an invaluable member of the Tufts University administration. Please join us in welcoming her back to Tufts in her new role, which she will assume on October 1st.


Anthony P. Monaco

Deborah Kochevar
Provost and Senior Vice President ad interim


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