General Admissions News

Online application down for maintenance – please pardon our dust

I thought it would be worth giving readers a heads-up that the online application for admission will soon go offline for a few weeks for some annual updating and maintenance. This period typically spans the first two or so weeks of August, and is nothing to which future applicants need to pay any heed, beyond being aware of the brief outage window. Each year we need to make a few technical and cosmetic updates to ready the application for the coming admissions cycle, but anyone who’s previously viewed the application will find it looking much the same when it comes back online in mid-August. The substantive portions of the application will remain consistent, with the only major change this year being the shift in GRE/GMAT scores from required to optional.

So, if you’ve already been pecking away at your various peripheral materials (resume, essay drafts, contacting recommenders, etc.), do continue! You will, however, need to wait until the new application is available online (which I’ll be sure to announce here) to start populating and saving the form itself in your user account.