Our Students

New student bloggers: A peek into Mohit’s early days at Fletcher

Fletcher student MohitOur next first-year student blogger introduction comes from Mohit, who comes to Fletcher after working for several years in financial inclusion:

Last year at this time, I was scrolling through admission blogs to get a better sense of life at Fletcher. While doing so, I couldn’t help but wonder if I would make it to Fletcher and write about my own experience. Fast forward to today, I find myself in the library scripting my amazing journey so far at Fletcher! And I am more excited to write this than worrying about my mid-terms. There is always a trade-off!

Reflecting on my first day of orientation, I can clearly recall the moment I stepped inside the famous ‘Hall of Flags’ with both excitement and anxiety. Among other reasons, my decision to join the Fletcher School was highly influenced by the cultural and intellectual diversity it offers. For me, it was an honor to be among Fletcherites from more than 40 countries. I knew I have joined a truly global school. The more batchmates I interacted with, the more dazzled I was! It was unique for me to see such diversity in their backgrounds, interests and career focus. And I’m really looking forward to making lifelong friends from all over the world.

During the orientation week, a highly dedicated team offered multiple bullets full of information and ways to plan time and curriculum here. During that time, I wondered why everyone repeatedly said – “Soon, you will get really busy in Fletcher’s lifestyle.” It only took three weeks to understand what they meant!

Just like free food, I understood the real importance of a digital calendar at Fletcher. If you have eagerness, intellectual curiosity and time (which is scarce!), Fletcher offers endless open-house events, expert talks, conferences, networking events, and celebrations, etc. I’m not surprised that I spend significant time updating my calendar and fighting with myself about which sessions to attend (I hate it. I want it all!). Fletcher is a beautiful sea (with its own brand color) where there is no dearth of opportunities to explore, contribute, learn and of course, enjoy. There is a great zeal among everyone here to actively participate in student-led initiatives that span across themes, geographies, and interests. All this contributes towards priceless social experiences at Fletcher.

Even when it comes to academics, Fletcher is pretty unique. It offers students a chance to design their own specialization based on their interests and skill sets. The minimum requirement of mandatory courses provides me with the freedom to pick the courses I most want to study. This allowed me to pick subjects I was really interested in, and it barely feels like school! I absolutely enjoy Prof. Amar Bhide’s course Starting New Ventures. His case-based teaching is thought-provoking and practical.

Here, professors take genuine interest to coach you as well as brainstorm with you. Their responsiveness to connecting you with industry players is incomparable to what I have witnessed so far in my career. And who knows how quickly you become friends with your favorite professors. I have started to get glimpses of how exceptional the “Fletcher mafia” is. I intend to gain immensely from our tightly bonded alumni network.

Apart from studies, I spend my time contributing to Fletcher Social Investment Group (FSIG) and The Fletcher School Leadership Program for Financial Inclusion. I love spending an hour or two at the Buddhist meditation center at Tufts. At home, I’m trying to learn how to bake and cook from my Canadian and American roommates. They leave no chance to persuade me to open a café and hire them (No one hates easy employment!). If all that leaves any time (which is rare and amazing), then I stroll through the serene Tufts campus.

I can’t do much, but after receiving several warnings and advice from people, I am now preparing myself to face the deadly winter of Boston. But there’s so much to look forward to, I am extremely excited to go on our famous Fletcher Israel Policy Trek and Fletcher ski trip.

Given that 100 things happen every second here, I have started to live with fear of missing out (FOMO). If I could, I would want my watch to tick slowly so that I can fully embrace my time at the Fletcher school. I find myself privileged to be in first year! While I feel for second year Fletcherites, I am glad to have many months left in my time here. But I know, I know, my time will also fly soon!

I’m always excited to share my experience and make new connections. You can connect with me on LinkedIn.

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