Admissions Tips

Applications – get ’em in!

Just a formality at this point, friends. I surely need not remind you any further that the application deadline is TODAY. 11:59:59 PM EST, to be exact, but let’s not get overly literal here. I can assure you that there is very little value in waiting until the actual last minute of the deadline to submit, and that doing so is likely to create quite a lot of additional anxiety for you. Remember, it’s okay if you’re waiting on a sluggish recommender or a delayed score report; the likelihood of either arriving in the next few hours is relatively slim, and any such outstanding materials will be automatically added to your application profile as soon as they’re received, anyway. In truth, as long as we have your complete materials by February 1 we can likely avoid any processing delays, but we do need those application forms! So if your finger is still hovering over that “submit” button, there’s no reason to wait any longer.

Speaking of processing applications, that’s what we’ll all be doing on this end for the next week or two. Our office is receiving tons of application materials this week, and it takes some time to go through them all to verify completeness (or incompleteness). All applicants will hear from us, either confirming that we have everything we need from you, or noting any outstanding remaining materials. It will take some time, though, as long as ten days to two weeks. You’ll be able to see any updates to your application status on the aptly-named Application Status page, but don’t get worked up if you don’t see any notifications within that window, nor if inquiries to us about your application status are met with a cordial “please stand by.” We’ll be in touch, and are excited to read your applications (most of us, at least)!

Murray the dog, asleep