About Fletcher

Social List roundup

Longtime readers know that I like to check in on the Social List from time to time. The Social List is the real-time pulse of the Fletcher community, delivering a pu pu platter of announcements, chit chat, debates, advertisements, and solicitations over email. I’ve always enjoyed the big-tent nature of the Social List, marveling at its ability to host impassioned sociopolitical debates and also to deliver a Macbook charger to a desperate student in the library.

It’s been particularly gratifying in these past months to see the Social List as active as ever, even in our remote environment. I’ve often felt that it’s fair to use the Social List as a proxy for the overall vibrancy and energy of the Fletcher community, and a quick look shows that Fletcher students aren’t merely just getting by in these trying times, but are thriving and creatively adapting to circumstances. We can see that the Writing Center is still very much available to work individually with students, and that leads on local housing and remote internships with organizations all around the world are still plentiful. A series of new “Fletcher virtual hangouts” has popped up recently, too. Even the smaller-scale transactional stuff is still around. A new Brooks Brothers overcoat was recently made available, presumably with a plan for a socially-distant handover. Most importantly, Girl Scout Cookies have proven themselves hardier than even the nastiest virus. With an online order and new home delivery service, students can still count on their annual brace of Thin Mints to get them through the cold months. Take that, COVID!



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