General Admissions News

Application deadline – one week left!

Murray the dog in a driver's capIn these parts this time of year is simply thought of as winter by many. Others get a little more specific and refer to the “holiday season.” For my trusty sidekick Murray and me, though there’s only one thing on our minds around now: leftover turkey the January 10 application deadline!

January 10Now is the time to get cracking if you’ve fallen behind a bit on preparing your application, and the hope is that you’re not just starting to work on it now. If you are, though, take a breath and steady your focus, because it’s still doable. It’s ideal to have all your materials submitted together by the deadline so that your application is complete and ready to read as soon as possible. However, if you have a recommendation letter, test score, or other supplemental material that’s likely to be a bit delayed your application isn’t likely to get held up if everything arrives by February 1. If you’re looking at a longer delay, you can consider one of the later application rounds in February and April, though scholarship availability may be limited by this time.

Working remotely, something of a bummer after this long, is fortunately well-suited to reading applications. We expect a hefty pile this year, as always, and will be hunkered down in the coming months to make sure we give your applications the same attention and care you put into preparing them. We’ll look forward to seeing yours by next week!



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