Admissions Tips

Admissions interviews now available!

An important part of the Fletcher admissions process is the evaluative interview, for which you can now register online. Interviews are optional, so they’re small-i “important,” but we strongly encourage all applicants to schedule one before submitting their application.

Interviews are an additional opportunity for applicants to express themselves directly in their own words in their application, otherwise mostly limited to the essay section. They’re generally conducted by current Fletcher students, so they’re also an excellent chance to talk about Fletcher with a real-time expert. Don’t let the “evaluative” descriptor sound intimidating: an interview is a chance both for you to add an additional data point to your application, as well as effectively “interview” Fletcher to help you gauge the fit for your academic and professional priorities. Totally a win-win proposition! I’ve been working in Admissions for a while now, and in my experience an interview is virtually always an asset to an application.

Our office will be offering as many Zoom-based interview slots as possible between now and mid-December, but they do have a tendency to fill up, so I encourage applicants to register soon.

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