General Admissions News


Longtime blog readers are aware of the enthusiasm for Thanksgiving in this space. It’s one of my favorite holidays for striking the perfect balance of a number of tricky variables. There’s some special preparation required, sure, but not too much, especially with several people involved. It has tradition associated with it, but not to the point of feeling like burdensome obligation, and largely open to interpretation as its celebrants see fit. With no particular religious, social, or political affiliation, it’s a holiday that doesn’t feel “owned” by any particular group. Basically, the main idea is to hang out with friends and family and enjoy a nice meal. Now THAT’s what I call a holiday!

While a normal Thanksgiving for me usually involves some travel, a combination of COVID and logistical considerations see me home-bound for the second consecutive year. While it’s a bummer not to get to see some family members, it does make things a bit less hectic overall. While many of our students will likewise travel to be with family over the break, quite a few remain on campus, too. It’s always fun to hear of the various gatherings among students each year, at which some international students experience their first American Thanksgiving.

Current applicants should be aware that our office will be closed today and Friday for the holiday. We are deep in the process of reviewing applications submitted by the Early Notification deadline, and this brief holiday respite won’t delay that process. In the spirit of the holiday, I’ll note that we’re thankful for your interest in Fletcher, and for the time and effort you put into completing your applications.

Best wishes to all for a happy Thanksgiving!

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