General Admissions News

January 10 Application Deadline

January 10As we head toward the December holidays, I’ll take the opportunity to remind readers of the approaching January 10 application deadline. It probably still feels fairly fair in the future, and it’s true that there remains a good amount of time for applicants to be working on their applications. This time of year has a way of moving quickly, though, and in particular applicants should be making sure their recommenders have as much time as possible to submit their letters and that transcript requests are made with plenty of advance notice. It’s a busy season for many folks both professionally and personally, and travel plans and holiday office closures may mean that there’s less time than it seems to get some parts of the application together.

Lest you start feeling panicky, applicants, I’ll remind you that there are several later application rounds, though January 10 should be the goal for those of you also applying for scholarship aid. Receiving all of your applications in January is a great way to counteract the post-holiday blues, and we’re looking forward to reading yours!