General Admissions News

Lots of upcoming events

flags in the Hall of FlagsWe are entering peak event season, friends, and there are several upcoming that are worth particular highlighting. This year feels exciting for us as we’re able to return to many of the in-person events that have been out of the picture over the past few turbulent years. To wit: we’ll have a pair of evening receptions for prospective students in Washington, DC in the coming months:

Monday, September 26: Register here
Tuesday, November 1: Register here

These are great opportunities to meet Fletcher alumni, future students, and members of our team in an informal setting. We’ll also once again be offering several in-person Prospective Student Visit Days here at Fletcher:

Monday, September 26: Register here
Thursday, October 13: Register here
Thursday, November 17: Register here

Visit Days provide a variety of ways to experience Fletcher, through informational and panel presentations, informal lunches with current students and administrators, and the opportunity to sit in on classes, schedule an evaluative interview, and meet current student informally over coffee. Join us for a few hours or stay the entire day!

There are loads more events available, both virtual and in-person, at Fletcher and “on the road.” You can find full details on the Admissions web page. We’ll look forward to seeing you here, there, or on-screen soon!