
November 10 – Early notification application deadline

Nov 10 calendar imageWith the Spooky Season wrapping up, Deadline Reminder Season takes over in full, readers. While I’m sure you don’t strictly NEED me to underscore that the November 10 early notification application deadline is but a week away, I’d feel derelict in my blogging duties if I didn’t give it a call out. Time to get crackin’ on that application!

Those of you planning to submit by that time should have your applications rounding into shape. There’s a bit of wiggle room if you’re still waiting on a transcript or a recommendation letter, and you shouldn’t let these issues prevent you from submitting your application. The days before the deadline are a good time for final rounds of proofreading and editing (and making sure you don’t accidentally mention a different school in your essays!).

As a reminder, submitting by this deadline will get you an admissions decision by January 1 (though scholarship details for those applying will be released in mid-March). An early admission offer isn’t binding, but hopefully will give candidates useful extra time for preparation and research.

We’re excited to return to reading applications soon, and we’ll look forward to receiving yours!