
January 10 application deadline reminder

January 10One month to go, readers! Technically a bit less, if we want to get fussy. The January 10 application deadline is fast approaching! Now is the time to get serious about pulling together your application materials.

While there are a couple later application deadlines available, if you’re planning on applying for scholarship aid then January 10 is the one to keep in mind. It’s the “scholarship priority” deadline, and consideration for institutional funding will be more limited at the later deadlines.

If you’re just starting, the advice here would be to order official copies of all your transcripts and to contact recommenders in order to give them as much time as possible to submit their reference letters. Then you can get down to the business of updating your resume and drafting essays, all of which will benefit from some sustained attention over time rather than being dashed off in one sitting.

You can find lots of helpful process-related information on this page, and as always we’re happy for you to contact us directly with questions at fletcheradmissions@tufts.edu.