General Admissions News

Application deadline!

It’s time, everyone! A tip o’ the cap to all those of you who have been editing, proofing, and generally doing some last-minute tidying up of your applications to get them in their best possible shape. It’s now time to take the plunge and click “submit” as our scholarship priority deadline is TODAY!

It’s quite a sight each year to see the number of applications we receive at the literal last minute (i.e. 11:59 PM ET), and my hope is that you won’t need to cut things quite that close. Don’t get stressed out if you’re still waiting on some peripheral materials (like a missing recommendation letter); you should plan to submit by today’s deadline and continue your efforts to get the remaining materials submitted. As long as everything is complete by February 1 we can likely avoid delays in processing, but it is helpful to have your submitted application in our system. One of the main reasons for that is that our office receives a very large volume of material, and processing it all will occupy the majority of our time for the next several weeks. Our team will be in touch with all applicants confirming the status of your application, and you’ll be able to track updates on your Application Status page. That process takes some time, though – usually around 10 business days – so don’t take a short period of silence on our end as indication of some problem with your application.

We’ll be in touch, and anticipating your applications!