General Admissions News

April 1 application deadline – final reminder

April 1 calendar pageApril 1 is upon us, readers! By this point you’re surely aware that this is our last application deadline of the year, and for those of you planning to submit, this final call is nothing more than a tip o’ the cap courtesy reminder of a date you’ve long since internalized. Right?

It’s extra-important to be sure your submitted application is complete and ready for review, as admitted candidates from this round will have a shorter amount of time in which to make their enrollment decision, so now is a good time to confirm your recommenders have submitted their letters, that you have all the transcript copies you need, and that your essays, resume, and application form have been checked and proofed. Our intent is to provide decisions for these applicants as quickly as possible, and we’re grateful for your care and diligence in preparing your materials!